The power of one is the power of oneself.
You are your own best friend.
Think of your experience as a journey.
One that each of us has to take alone .
It takes tremendous courage to live in an abusive relationship and it takes tremendous courage to leave an abusive relationship.
It also takes an equal amount of courage to learn to live alone during and after the blowout.
Whichever path we choose, we only have ourselves to rely on.
No one and nothing can be more mindful of what is best for us than we ourselves.
To feel our way forward we can either do it without a compass or with information from those who have lived through this trauma.
This knowledge helps us make better decisions, know who and where we can get help for free and who will guide us correctly out of the forest into a better tomorrow.
KASHMAKASH brings together a pool of information across various needs that must be met.
From understanding if indeed what we are facing is abuse, to asking for physical help, mental support, legal action or simply needing a safe space in which to spend time learning from abuse experts. Or music to heal us, museums to wander through, books, poetry, films that will help soothe us .
Giving us hope, building resilience and transforming us so we can stand up again and look after ourselves with more confidence.